HealthCap Africa’s Q3 Highlights

HealthCap Africa’s Q3 Highlights are here and they’re nothing short of spectacular! From impactful initiatives to our portfolio companies securing additional funding and expanding to new countries, Q3 was definitely a rollercoaster of progress. Check out some highlights below:

HealthCap Africa’s Portfolio Updates

Nestcoin secures $1.9 Million in Funding

Nestcoin, one of our fintech portfolio companies, after a significant restructuring phase successfully secured $1.9 million in funding to drive the success of its product. With this, our portfolio company’s follow-on capital now stands at $81.9 million.

Termii partnered with Fincra HQ

Another fintech in our portfolio, Termii, partnered with fincrahq, a fintech firm facilitating offline/online and local /cross-border payments infrastructure to boost growth and expand into new markets.

Vesti expanded into 2 new countries!

Vesti, Africa’s leading migration fintech company expanded into Ghana and Zambia to empower immigrants with migration and financial services.

Healthtracka launched 2 new products, received a grant from the i3 initiative

Our healthtech portfolio company, Healthtracka, launched 2 new products: Lemon, an STI  self-sampling kit for at-home screening and Peach, a UTI self-sampling kit. The healthtech startup was also one of the 29 African startups selected for the i3 cohort 2 program. This qualified them to receive a grant of $50,000!

HealthCap Africa’s IC: Our Latest Luminary

Lola Aworanti-Ekugo, Head of Fintech and Innovation at Nigeria’s oldest bank joined our investment committee as an external IC member. Together, we will be achieving impactful milestones and industry change.

Journey To Series A

The highly anticipated book ‘Journey to Series A’ book, authored by our founder Dr. Ola Brown, MFR, was released across all platforms for download by the public. Journey To Series A is a playbook for funders, founders, and policymakers providing insight to Series A fundraising process. You can download the book here

How To Invest in Startups Webinar

We hosted an enlightening live webinar on ‘How to Invest in Startups’ for High-Net-Worth individuals, Corporates, and Family Offices looking to improve their knowledge of venture capital investment strategies. The webinar had a hundred attendees. You can watch the recording here

Meeting with the U.S Deputy Treasury

Our founder, Dr. Ola Brown, met with the U.S deputy treasury, Wally Adeyemo at a round table event, where she highlighted the opportunity for Nigeria and America to collaborate on venture funds, creating jobs and mutually beneficial outcomes through investments and domiciliation. Read more here

Leading the authorship of the NESG Leading the authorship of the paper titled, ‘NESG’s Health As A Business’

Dr. Ola Brown also lead the authorship of the paper titled, ‘NESG’s Health As A Business’ presented the paper, emphasizing healthcare’s profitability at the The Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG) paper launch. Read more here

HealthCap Africa is a venture fund that invests in fintech and healthtech startups across Africa. Our 20+ portfolio companies currently operate in 12+ countries, have collectively raised $80 million in follow-on funding, created 12,000 indirect jobs and 1,000 direct jobs and serve nearly a million customers. We are proud of our Q3 achievements and we look forward to exceeding these milestones along with our portfolio companies in Q4.

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